of Williamsville Code
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Chapter 84: Signs (Continued)
84-4. Location and size of signs.
A. Residential districts
(R-1, R-2, R-3, R-3M and R-4). Signs are permitted in residential districts
as follows:
(1) Single- and two-family
dwellings may display one (1) nonilluminated sign not exceeding four (4)
square feet in area per side [no edge shall exceed two (2) linear feet],
indicating thereon only the name and street number. Such sign shall be
attached to a principal building or to a separate support, which support,
together with the sign, is not more than four (4) feet in height, and be
placed at least ten (10) feet from the property line of abutting premises.
(2) Multiple dwellings
may display one (1) nonilluminated sign for each building, not exceeding
four (4) square feet in area [no edge shall exceed two (2) linear feet],
indicating only a building identification name and street number of the
building. Each sign shall be attached to a building.
(3) A church or other
nonprofit organization may display one (1) bulletin board and one (1) identification
(a) The identification
sign shall not exceed twenty
(20) square feet in area
per face and be located at least ten (10) feet from any property line and
be not more than four (4) feet in height.
(b) The bulletin board
shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area per face and be located
at least ten (10) feet from any property line and be not more than eight
(8) feet in height.
(4) Temporary signs permitted
in R-Districts.
(a) One (1) nonilluminated
construction or real estate sign not exceeding thirty (30) square feet
in area per face, located at least fifteen (15) feet from any property
line, may be erected on the construction site of any multiple dwelling
or other development. Any such sign shall be removed within fourteen (14)
days of completion of the development or upon total occupancy, whichever
comes first.
(b) Signs for home improvement
or remodeling contractors may be erected without a permit and shall be
limited in size to six (6) square feet per face. Such signs shall be removed
within seven (7) days of completion of the project.
(c) One (1) nonilluminated
real estate sign not exceeding six (6) square feet in area per face, located
at least five (5) feet from all property lines and not more than four (4)
feet in height. Such sign shall be removed within five (5) days after the
time of the contract of sale or lease.
(d) Private sale signs
may be displayed for a period not to exceed three (3) days.
(e) Governmental signs
placed for a public reason.
(f) Warning signs. If
intended to remain in place more than five (5) days, placement shall require
a permit from the Building Inspector.
(g) Political signs.
Such signs shall conform to § 84-11 of this chapter.
B. Commercial and manufacturing
districts (C-1, C-2, C-3 and M-1). Signs are permitted in commercial and
manufacturing districts as follows:
(1) As permitted in R
(2) Each separate enterprise
shall be permitted to erect one (1) wall sign or one (1) roof sign. In
addition thereto, such enterprise may place either one (1) projecting sign,
one (1) awning/canopy sign or one (1) or more window signs as limited by
Subsection B(5)(d) hereof. In no event, however, shall any combination
of permanent and temporary window signs cover more than twenty-five percent
(25%) of any given window.
(3) Where a separate
enterprise fronts on two (2) public streets, one (1) additional sign of
any category, except freestanding, may be erected, subject to the following
(a) The total area of
any combination of signs shall be not greater than one and one-half (1
1/2) times the maximum area other-wise permitted.
(b) No individual sign
shall be larger in dimension than otherwise permitted in this chapter.
(4) Where two (2) or
more enterprises occupy the same physical space or are located in such
proximity, one to the other, that it is necessary to pass through one enterprise
to reach the other, the combined total roof and/or wall signage shall not
be greater than that permitted for a single enterprise.
(5) No sign shall be
erected except as follows:
(a) Wall sign shall be
no larger than twenty percent (20%) of that wall upon which it is placed
or fifty (50) square feet, whichever is less, and shall not be installed
above the lower sill or the sill course, as the case may be, of any second
story window. [Amended 12-13-1993 by L.L. No. 13-1993]
(b) Roof sign shall be
no larger than twenty percent (20%) of the area of the wall over which
it is placed or fifty (50) square feet, whichever is less, shall not rise
above the top of the lowest peak of the building roof and shall be installed
to withstand a wind pressure of thirty-five (35) pounds per square foot.
(c) Awning/canopy sign
shall contain only the name, logo of the enterprise and street number of
the enterprise. Where a single enterprise has more than one (1) awning/canopy,
each awning/canopy may contain thereon only the name, logo and street number.
Where- an awning/canopy covers more than one (1) enterprise, each separate
enterprise shall be entitled to identify itself thereon.
(d) Permanent window
sign. The total area of all such signs shall not exceed twenty percent
(20%) of the window glass area of the affected window. In calculating the
amount of coverage, the actual area of each sign shall be used so long
as any such sign is located within four (4) feet of the window.
(e) Projecting sign shall
be permitted, subject to the following:
[1] The sign shall be
constructed only of wood and shall have no more than two (2) faces, with
a maximum area of ten (10) square feet per face, and in no case shall the
largest dimension exceed four (4) feet.
[2] All lettering shall
be routed or painted and the entire sign shall be painted to conform to
established regulations.
[3] Such sign may contain
only the name or logo of the enterprise and the street number.
[4] The edge of the sign
nearest to the building wall shall be not more than ten (10) inches distant
from said wall.
[5] The bottom edge of
any such sign shall be at least eight (8) feet above finished grade level.
[6] Any projecting sign
not constructed in accordance with this chapter shall be removed or replaced
on or before July 1, 1994.
[7] No sign permit shall
be issued for any sign that projects into the state right-of-way without
prior written consent of the State of New York.
(f) Freestanding sign
shall be permitted, subject to the following:
[1] Each commercial or
manufacturing property, regardless of the number of commercial or industrial
enterprises located thereon, shall be limited to one (1) freestanding sign
of no more than two (2) faces, subject to the following:
[a] Premises with less
than thirty (30) feet of frontage on any street shall not erect a freestanding
[b] No part of the sign
shall be closer than two (2) feet to the inner edge of the public sidewalk,
and in no case shall it be located in the public right-of-way.
[c] The highest point
of the sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet above finished grade level.
[d] The lowest point
of the sign shall not be closer than two (2) feet to finished grade level.
[e] The longer side of
the sign shall be parallel to finished grade level, and its length shall
not be more than twice that of the shorter side.
[f] All freestanding
signs shall be enclosed within a single square or rectangle frame unless
constructed entirely of wood.
[g] The application shall
designate the maximum number of enterprises that may potentially advertise
on said sign.
[h] A subsign of dimensions
less than twelve and one-tenth (12.1) square feet, comprised of lettering
only, may be replaced by a new subsign of similar character and dimension
without obtaining a new permit.
[2] [Amended 11-22-1993
by L.L. No. 12-1993] No face of a freestanding sign shall be greater in
area than the following:
Feet of Number of Square
Frontage Enterprises
30-49.99 N/A 20
50-99.99 3 40
4 or more 60
100-200 2 60
3 60
4 or more 60
200+ 2 60
3 60
4 or more 60
(g) Directory sign shall
be of maximum dimensions not greater than three (3) feet horizontally and
four (4) feet vertically. Each subsign contained therein shall be of maximum
dimensions not greater than three (3) feet horizontally and six (6) inches
vertically. The size and lettering on all subsigns shall be uniform. The
application shall designate the maximum number of enterprises that may
potentially advertise on said sign. Existing subsigns may be substituted
or replaced by one of similar character and dimension without obtaining
a new permit.
(h) Neon window sign
shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the window glass area. In no event
shall any window contain therein more than one (1) neon sign. The area
of the sign dimensions shall be defined as the product of the greatest
horizontal dimension and the greatest vertical dimension required to fully
enclose the sign.
84-5. Use and design.
A. All buildings shall
display an address number which is easily identified from the street.
B. No signs shall be
painted on a building or other structure.
C. No person shall post
any handbill, notice or advertisement or paint, stamp or otherwise mark
any words, letters, figures, signs or tokens on any public sidewalk, curbstone,
utility pole, tree or fence within the public right-of-way or on any property
of the Village of Williamsville without a special permit issued by the
D. No sign or part thereof
shall contain or consist of banners, posters, pennants, ribbons, streamers,
spinners or other similar moving, fluttering, revolving, flashing or animated
devices; nor shall any of the aforesaid devices or any strings of lights
be used for purposes of advertising, illumination or otherwise attracting
attention, with the exception of holiday decorations placed between Thanksgiving
and January 10.
E. No sign, banner or
material of any sort shall be suspended across any public street, sidewalk
or parking lot or any driveway without a special permit issued by resolution
of the Board of Trustees.
F. Any illuminated sign
shall bear the Underwriters' label and shall be designed so as to protect
adjoining or nearby property and/or street from direct glare, nuisance
or hazardous interference of any kind.
G. No person, corporation,
association or firm shall either directly or indirectly place or cause
to be placed, scatter or throw any poster, handbill, dodger, circular,
leaflet, pamphlet, newspaper or any written or printed matter of any kind
on a public highway or other public ground.
H. No sign shall be erected
in such manner as to obstruct free egress from a window, door or fire escape
or so as to become a menace to life, health or property.
I. No sign shall be erected
in such manner as to obstruct the view at any street intersection. No sign
shall be erected in such manner as to prevent the driver of any vehicle
from having a clear and unobstructed view of any official sign or entrance
or exit roadway or intersection or approaching or merging traffic.
J. No sign shall be located
in any commercially zoned district within ten (10) feet of any residentially
zoned district.
K. The surface area of
any sign located within one hundred (100) feet of a residentially zoned
district shall not be greater than the number of linear feet of its distance
from the R District, subject to the other surface area limitations in this
L. The design and dimension
of all logos shall be subject to approval by the Architectural Review Board.
The area of any logo may not exceed four (4) square feet and the maximum
outer dimension shall not exceed four (4) feet.
84.6. Exceptions.
A. The provisions of this
chapter shall not apply to safety signs, road signs, historical markers
or highway directional signs erected by municipal or public agencies.
B. Traffic directional
signs not exceeding three (3) square feet in size may be permitted on private
property without a permit, provided that such signs conform to the provisions
relating to illumination and do not cause interference with traffic on
public highways and do not include any advertising of the use of the premises.
C. In the case of historical
landmarks, the Planning/Architectural Review Board may waive any of the
provisions of this chapter. All applications shall be reviewed by the Historical
Preservation Committee, which shall make recommendations in writing to
the Planning Board.
§ 84-7. Prohibited
The following signs are
strictly prohibited within the Village of Williamsville:
A. Billboards of any
type or design.
B. Flashing, rotating,
revolving and moving signs or sign components.
C. Signs which imitate
an official traffic or parking sign or signal.
D. Any sign attached
to the roof of a vehicle parking either in the right-of-way or on private
property so as to be visible from the street, which sign is designed to
advertise or otherwise direct attention to a business establishment located
at or near the place where the vehicle is parked.
E. Any exterior sign
using neon gas as a means of illumination and/or decoration.
§ 84-8. Nonconforming
[Amended 5-23-1994 by L.L.
No. 1-1994].
A. Signs eligible for
characterization as nonconforming. Any sign which does not comply with
this section is eligible for characterization as a nonconforming sign if
the sign complied with all requirements in effect at the time it was erected.
B. Loss of nonconforming
status. A nonconforming status shall terminate, if:
(1) The sign is altered
in any way in structure or size (except for normal maintenance).
(2) The sign is relocated.
(3) The sign is replaced.
C. Nonconforming sign
maintenance and repair. Nothing in this section shall relieve the owner
or user of a nonconforming sign or owner of the property on which the nonconforming
sign is located from complying with the provisions of this chapter regarding
safety, maintenance and repair of signs, provided that any repainting,
cleaning or routine maintenance or repair of the sign or sign structure
shall not be deemed to modify the sign in any way.
§ 84-9. Abandoned
Any sign that advertises
an activity, business, product or service no longer conducted or available
on the premises on which the sign is located shall be prohibited and removed
within fourteen (14) days of receipt of written notice from the village.
Upon failure to comply, the village may cause the removal of the sign and
add the expense of removal to the next taxes assessed to the property.
84-10. Maintenance of signs.
Signs shall be kept in good
repair and free from structural defect. The display surfaces and structures
shall be kept neatly maintained at all times. Any sign found not properly
maintained may be ordered removed after written notice from the village.
In the event that the sign is not made to conform or if the sign is not
removed within thirty (30) days from the date of the written notice, the
Building Inspector shall cause the removal of such sign and the expense
of removal shall be added to the next taxes assessed to the property.
84-11. Temporary signs.
A. A temporary sign may
be erected, unless otherwise permitted, only upon the granting of a temporary
sign permit by the Building Inspector. Application for such permit shall
be made on the form provided, and such permit may be granted only to the
owner of the property on behalf of the following:
(1) A charitable or not-for-profit
educational, professional or service organization. The sign shall be no
greater in dimension than twenty (20) square feet and shall be located
only on the premises where the event advertised is located.
(2) A newly established
or located business establishment awaiting the approval of a permanent
sign permit.
(3) An existing business
which has lost the use of an earlier, legal, existing sign by reason of
accident or other unanticipated event beyond the control of the owner of
the business.
(4) A newly constructed
multiple residence or commercial development, announcing the availability
of leases or sales.
B. Each application for
a temporary sign permit shall describe the manner in which the proposed
sign is to be erected.
C. The dimensions of
any temporary sign, its placement and the message or wording thereon shall
be regulated, unless otherwise noted, by the provisions of § 84-4
of this chapter.
D. A temporary sign permit
shall be granted, unless otherwise permitted, for a period not to exceed
thirty (30) days from the date of issue. The permit may be extended once
for an added period not to exceed thirty (30) days upon written application
setting forth the special circumstances requiring the extension.
E. Each applicant, except
those excluded by this chapter, shall be required to pay a fee as established
by the Board of Trustees. An additional fee shall be charged if an extension
is granted.
F. Political signs shall
be no greater in dimension than nine (9) square feet in any R District
and twenty-four (24) square feet in any C or M District. Such signs shall
not be erected on any public property, including the right-of-way, or within
two (2) feet of any public sidewalk. If there is no public sidewalk, such
signs shall not be erected within fifteen (15) feet from the edge of the
pavement or within thirty (30) feet from the nearest intersection. Such
signs may be displayed for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days and
must be removed by the property owner within five (5) days alter the election
to which they pertain. A temporary sign permit shall be required for any
such sign. The application for such permit shall be signed by the chairperson
of the political party sponsoring the candidate or personally by the candidate.
G. Miscellaneous temporary
(1) Signs designed to
advertise nonprofit activities may be displayed in a window for a period
of not more than twenty-one (21) days prior to and seven (7) days alter
the advertised event and shall be limited in size to ten percent (10%)
or less of the window glass area. In no event shall the combined window
coverage of permanent and temporary window signs be more than twenty-five
percent (25%) of any given window. No permit is required for a temporary
(2) Signs designed to
advertise a special event may be displayed for a period of twenty-one (21)
days and shall be limited in size to twenty percent (20%) of the window
glass area. In no event shall the combined window coverage of permanent
and temporary window signs be more than twenty-five percent (25%) of any
given window. No permit is required for a temporary sign.
(3) The following temporary
signs are expressly prohibited within the limits of the Village of Williamsville:
(a) Portable signs, whether
on wheels, skids or temporarily anchored to the ground.
(b) Signs containing
any flashing, moving, rotating or colored lights.
(c) Signs painted, erected
or attached to any telephone, telegraph, electric or lighting pole or on
any traffic device or on any tree, stone or natural object.
§ 84-12. Fees.
Hereafter all fees shall
be adopted by the Board of Trustees and will not be included in the Village
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A picture of 5583 Main St Village Hall pictured in 1949 was originally built with limestone mined from the Young's limestone quarry which occupied what is now The Country Club of Buffalo. click here to see a bigger picture.
A picture of Main St looking West taken in 1950. The Ronecker building on the right is now home to Marty's formal wear. Picture courtesy of Dan Crapsi. click here to see a bigger picture.
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