of Williamsville Code
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Chapter 89: Streets
and Sidewalks
§ 89-1. Purpose.
§ 89-2. Definitions.
§ 89-3. General
§ 89-4. Construction;
§ 89-5. Repair
of unsafe sidewalks.
§ 89-6. Use of
§ 89-7. Trees planted
in public right-of-way.
§ 89-8. Barricades
in public right-of-way.
§ 89-9. Street
§ 89-10. Precast
brick pavers.
§ 89-11. Inspection
of work.
§ 89-12. Snowplowing
by private operators.
[HISTORY: Adopted by
the Board of Trustees of the Village of Williamsville 2-25-1991 as L.L.
No. 4-1991. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Vehicle and traffic --
See Ch. 103.
89-1. Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter
is to establish a local law regulating the use of public streets and sidewalks
of the village and the construction, maintenance, repair and replacement
thereof and to establish orderly procedures regulating the laying out,
construction, reconstruction and alteration of village streets, sidewalks
and alleys and for the periodic inspection of such streets and sidewalks
to the end that the public streets and sidewalks may provide secure transit
for all persons and vehicles lawfully using them.
89-2. Definitions.
As used in this chapter,
the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
ALLEY - A narrow supplementary
public thoroughfare for the use of vehicles or pedestrians, affording access
to abutting properties.
CUL-DE-SAC - A street
which is open at one (1) end only, the closed end containing a paved turning
area which has a minimum radius of eighteen (18) feet. [Added 11-14-1994
by L.L. No. 7-1994]
DRIVEWAY - Any entrance
or exit used by vehicular traffic to or from lands or buildings abutting
a street or alley.
A brick with minimal water-absorbing qualities, either regularly or irregularly
shaped to create a uniformly paved surface.
Land dedicated for the construction or maintenance of a public street or
alley. For the purpose of this chapter, the area between the curbline or
outer pavement edge and the edge of the public sidewalk most distant from
the center line of the street shall be the "public right-of-way," and where
no curb and/or sidewalk exists, the area within eight (8) feet of the outer
pavement edge shall be included within the "public right-of-way," unless
a survey of abutting premises shows otherwise.
SIDEWALK - A paved pedestrian
way usually located in the public right-of-way.
SNOWPLOW - Any vehicle
to which is attached a device to facilitate the removal and/or displacement
of snow accumulations from one location to another.
STREET - A public thoroughfare,
other than a driveway, designed for vehicular use.
89-3. General provisions.
A. Every owner or occupant
of premises fronting on any public street, alley or grounds shall keep
the public sidewalk fronting thereon in good order and repair and free
and clear of snow, ice, dirt and any other obstruction.
B. The owner or occupant
of premises fronting on any public street or alley shall be responsible
for the removal of all snow and ice which may have accumulated on the public
sidewalk fronting said premises. If the accumulated snow or ice is frozen
so hard that it cannot be removed without material difficulty, the owner
or occupant shall cause the sidewalk to be strewn with a substance designed
to facilitate safe pedestrian passage.
C. No person shall brush,
sweep, shovel, plow or heap any accumulation of refuse or any other material
into a public street or alley.
D. No person shall plow,
sweep, shovel, heap or otherwise deposit snow onto any public street or
alley from any private driveway or approach or any off-street parking area
or cause accumulations of snow on one (1) property to be deposited upon
the public right-of-way in front of any adjoining property without consent
of the owner or occupant or, under any circumstance, cause snow to be deposited
onto or against property on the opposite side of the street.
E. Plowing of snow shall
be in such a manner as to protect free access to any fire hydrant and to
keep the same free and clear of any snow accumulation.
F. No vault, hatchway
or chute under or through a public street or sidewalk shall be constructed
without having first obtained the consent of the Board of Trustees.
G. No person shall obstruct
or interfere with the use of any public sidewalk, street or alley without
having first obtained a permit from the Mayor, unless under the direction
or supervision of a police officer or fire official.
H. No person shall conduct
any exhibition, theatrical or public performance or operate a vending stand,
lunch counter or stand for the sale of food or drinks or place goods, wares
or merchandise for sale on a public sidewalk or street without having first
obtained a permit from the Mayor.
I. No person, except
for a child under twelve (12) years of age or a handicapped individual,
shall operate a motorcycle, bicycle, all-terrain vehicle or any other motorized
vehicle on a public sidewalk.
J. No person shall conduct
a foot-race on a public sidewalk, street or alley without having first
obtained a permit from the Mayor.
89-4.Construction; permits.
A. The owner of real property
fronting or abutting on any public street, other than a cul-de-sac, shall
install, at the owner's expense and pursuant to specification as established
by resolution of the Board of Trustees, concrete public sidewalks adjacent
to the property owned. Owners of real property fronting on a cul-de-sac
shall not be required to install concrete public sidewalks unless a petition,
in favor of installation of sidewalks on said cul-de-sac is presented to
the Village Board. Said petition shall be signed by a minimum of fifty
percent (50%) of the owners of real property fronting or abutting said
cul-de-sac. [Amended 11-14-1994 by L.L. No. 7-1994]
B. No public sidewalk
shall be constructed in any public right.of-way by an abutting property
owner except pursuant to specifications established by resolution of the
Board of Trustees. An abutting property owner who constructs a sidewalk
in the public right-of-way shall be responsible for the cost thereof, except
that such sidewalk may be constructed wholly at the expense of the owner
of the abutting property or partly at the expense of the village and partly
at the expense of the owner of the abutting property. Allocation of costs
for such sidewalk construction shall be consistent with § 6-620 of
the Village Law. [Amended 8-22-1994 by L.L. No. 4-1994]
C. Upon failure of an
abutting property owner to pay the charge for sidewalk construction, the
Board of Trustees may direct that such unpaid charges be added to the next
village tax assessed against the property.
D. Permits.
(1) No person shall construct,
reconstruct, repair or grade a sidewalk, street or alley nor shall any
curb be altered, built or rebuilt, constructed or reconstructed on any
village street or public right-of-way without having first obtained a written
permit issued by the Building Department. The permit shall specify the
slope, grade, width and location of any sidewalk and the type, method of
construction, location and grade of any curbing.
(2) No street or alley
not previously dedicated and accepted for public use, designed to connect
or intersect with an existing public street or alley, shall be constructed
within the village limits unless the owner of the premises upon which the
construction is proposed has first made application, in writing, to the
Village Clerk. The permit shall require approval by the of Trustees.
(3) The permit for such
construction may be granted by the Board of Trustees only after a public
hearing. Necessary surveys, plans and specifications detailing in full
the proposed intersection of connection shall be filed with the Village
Clerk at least thirty (30) days prior to the date scheduled for the public
hearing. The Planning/Architectural Review Board and Safety Committee shall
review the proposal and make written recommendations to the Board of Trustees
prior to the public hearing.
(4) No driveway or private
street designed to connect to a public street from property for commercial
(C) or multiple-family (R-3M) use or from property subdivided to provide
for more than three (3) single-family or family dwellings shall be constructed
within the village unless the owner has first made application, in writing,
to the Village Clerk for a permit. The permit shall require approval by
the Beard of Trustees. Before such permit may be granted, all procedures
required under Subsection D(3) of this section shall also be complied with.
§ 89-5. Repair of unsafe
A. Upon determination by
resolution of the Board of Trustees. following report and recommendation
by the Superintendent of Public Works, declaring a public sidewalk unsafe
and/or a hazard to the safe of pedestrian traffic, the owner of the adjoining
premises shall be notified, in writing, to undertake a reconstruction or
repair of the sidewalk at the owner's expense, except where the village
undertakes to bear part of the entire expense thereof.
B. The Superintendent
of Public Works shall be charged with the duty of regular inspection of
all public sidewalks in the village. A sidewalk shall be deemed unsafe
when the same is broken, cracked, lifted, spalled or scaled to such an
extent as to pose a hazard to pedestrian traffic.
C. The village shall
undertake, at its own expense, the repair or reconstruction of any sidewalk
declared to be defective or unsafe as a result of a tree planted or growing
within the public right-of-way.
D. The village will assume
any cost exceeding that of the first one hundred (100) linear feet of public
sidewalk replaced. This provision shall be effective only when the owner
of a comercial lot is directed to repair or reconstruct both the side and
front walks at the same time.
E. A person constructing,
reconstructing or repairing any public sidewalk shall be obliged to provide
barricades and, during the hours of darkness, appropriate lighting around
any excavation or other area of potential resulting from such word
F. In the case of neglect
or refusal of any owner to comply with the provisions of this section,
it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Works to see that
the provisions of this section are enforced and to employ men to do the
work and report the cost of the same to the Village Clerk. The owner shall
be notified of the charges by mail, and upon failure to pay, the charges
shall be placed on the following year's tax roll.
§ 89-6. Use of blacktop.
No public sidewalk shall
be paved over with blacktop or blacktop sealer. Any blacktop or blacktop
sealer extending from a driveway or parking area across a public sidewalk
at the time this chapter takes effect shall be permitted to remain intact
unless declared unsafe or hazardous by the Village Board applying standards
established in § 89-5 of this chapter. Whenever such existing blacktop
or blacktop sealer deteriorates or requires replacement or when a blacktop
drive or parking area abutting the public sidewalk is replaced, the blacktop
or blacktop-sealed public sidewalk area shall be replaced with concrete.
§ 89-7. Trees planted
in public right-of-way.
A. The planting of a tree
in the public right-of-way along any street or alley or in any public easement
or public place shall be prohibited unless written permission therefor
has been granted from the Board of Trustees.
B. No shrub, fence, sign
or other obstruction to visibility more than three (3) feet in height above
finished grade level shall be permitted within fifteen (15) feet of any
street or alley.
C. No wire, guy wire,
insulator or other device for the holding of wires or any sign, placard
or other matter shall be attached to a living tree in the public right-of-way
without prior written permission from the Board of Trustees.
89-8. Barricades in public right-of-way.
Where no curb exists, no
rock, boulder, rod, pipe, landscape timber, railroad tie, bumper, safeguard
or any other barricade shall be place in the public right-way between the
pavement edge and the public sidewalk without prior written permission
of the Board of Trustees. Where no sidewalk and/or curb exists, any such
obstruction prohibited within eight (8) feet of the pavement edge.
89-9. Street openings.
A. It shall be unlawful
to open or cause to be opened by cutting or digging the surface, pavement
or soil in any street, alley or public ground for any purpose without first
securing a permit from the Building Department and paying a fee as established
by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
B. Any street opening
shall thereafter be carefully backfilled with bank-run gravel or crushed
stone and well compacted. The surface of the street shall be restored by
the village after the opening has been filled in and thereafter, if necessary,
after any settlement, following the succeeding winter, but not longer than
one (1) year after the first surfacing has been completed.
C. A utility shall file
a notice of intent with the Village Clerk prior to opening the surface
of any street. In case of emergency, such notice need not be filed before
opening the street surface but shall be filed thereafter, as soon as practicable.
In no case shall the filing of notice be made more than forty-eight (48)
hours from the time of making the street opening. The actual restoring
of the street surface shall be borne by the utility making the opening.
89-10. Precast brick pavers.
A. In a Commercial or Manufacturing
District, precast brick pavers may be installed in lieu of a concrete public
sidewalk, in the public right-of-way and/or between a building front and
the inner edge of the sidewalk or in lieu of a concrete public sidewalk
after securing a permit.
B. No precast brick paver
shall be installed without first securing a permit to be issued by the
Building Department. The installation shall be in accordance with specifications
and regulations as established by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
C. Permit applications
shall be made to the Building Department and shall be accompanied by the
(1) A scaled drawing
of the affected area, indicating the proposed location of the pavers and
any water and utility valves, manholes or any other surface fixture.
(2) Written proof that
all utilities located in the public right-of-way have been notified.
(3) The manufacturer's
brochure, including the color, sin and shape of the pavers.
(4) The manufacturer's
recommended procedures for the installation of the pavers.
(5) A drawing indicating
the finished laid pattern of the pavers.
(6) The payment of a
required fee, as established by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
89-11. Inspection of work.
All work done pursuant to
this chapter shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Superintendent
of Public Works.
89-12. Snowplowing by private operators.
Permit regulations and fee
shall be as follows:
A. A permit for a private
snowplow shall be issued upon application, in writing, to the Village Clerk.
A completed application shall include the name and address of the snowplow
owner, the identification number and current registration number of the
snowplowing vehicle and a current certificate of insurance for the vehicle.
B. A fee, as established
by resolution of the Board of shall be charged and collected for each vehicle
for which permit is issued.
C. A permit issued hereunder
shall be valid for a period of one year from June 1 to May 31 and shall
be valid for one vehicle only and shall not be transferred to another vehicle.
D. Any permit issued
hereunder shall be revoked if the Superintendent of Public Works determines,
upon inspection, that a private snowplow operator is in violation of §
89-3D or E herein.
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A picture of 5583 Main St Village Hall pictured in 1949 was originally built with limestone mined from the Young's limestone quarry which occupied what is now The Country Club of Buffalo. click here to see a bigger picture.
A picture of Main St looking West taken in 1950. The Ronecker building on the right is now home to Marty's formal wear. Picture courtesy of Dan Crapsi. click here to see a bigger picture.
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