of Williamsville Code
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Chapter 47: Historic
§ 47-1. Purpose.
§ 47-2. Definitions.
§ 47-3. Historic
Preservation Commission.
§ 47-4. Designation
of historical landmarks, historic sites and historic
§ 47-5. Certificates
of appropriateness.
§ 47-6. Criteria
for approval of certificates of appropriateness.
§ 47-7. Application
for certificate of appropriateness.
§ 47-8. Hardship
§ 47-9. Hardship
application procedure.
§ 47-10. Maintenance
and repair required.
§ 47-11. Administration
and enforcement.
§ 47-12. Penalties
for offenses.
§ 47-13. Appeals.
§ 47-14. Conflict
with other provisions.
§ 47-15. Compliance
with provisions required
§ 47-18. Jurisdiction.
§ 47-17. Severability.
§ 47-18. When effective.
[HISTORY: Adopted by
the Board of Trustees of the Village of Williamsville 6-10-1996 as L.L.
No. 3.1996. [Editor's Note: this local law superseded former Ch. 47, Historic
Preservation, as amended, adopted 5-9-1983 as L.L. No. 4-1983.] Amendments
noted where applicable.]
Zoning - See Ch.
§ 47-1. Purpose.
It is hereby declared
as a matter of public policy that the protection, enhancement and perpetuation
of landmarks and historic districts is necessary to promote the economic,
cultural, educational and general welfare of the public. Inasmuch as the
identity of a people is founded in its past and inasmuch as Williamsville
has many significant historic, architectural and cultural resources which
constitutes its heritage, this act is intended to:
A. Protect and enhance
the landmarks and historic districts which represent distinctive elements
of Williamsville's historic, architectural and cultural heritage.
B. Foster civic pride
in the accomplishments of the past.
C. Protect and enhance
Williamsville's attractiveness to visitors and support and stimulate the
village's economy.
D. Ensure the harmonious,
orderly and efficient growth and development of the village.
§ 47-2. Definitions.
As used in this chapter,
the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
of a building originally designed for a certain purpose to a different
ALTER - To change one
(1) or more exterior architectural features of a landmark, an improvement
on a landmark site or a structure within a historic district.
BUILDING - Any structure
or part thereof having a roof supported by columns or walls for the shelter
or enclosure of persons or property.
The Inspector of Building of the Village of Williamsville.
- A certificate issued by the Preservation Commission approving plans for
alteration, construction, removal or demolition of a landmark, an improvement
to a landmark site or a structure within a historic district.
an addition or making alteration to an existing structure or building a
net principle or accessory structure.
DEMOLITION - Destruction
of a building, structure or improvement.
EXTERIOR - Architectural
style, design, general arrangement and components of the outer surfaces
of an improvement, building or structure as distinguished from the interior
surfaces, including but not limited to the kind and texture of building
material and the type and style of windows, doors, signs and other such
exterior fixtures.
FACADE - The exterior
of a building or structure that can be viewed.
geographically defined area so designated pursuant to this Code.
IMPROVEMENT - Any building,
structure, parking facility, fence, gate, wall, work of art or other object
constituting a physical betterment or any part thereof.
LANDMARK - Property,
object, structure or natural feature or any part thereof so designated
pursuant to this Code.
LANDMARK SITE - A significant
historical or cultural site(s) where buildings or structures no longer
east so designated pursuant to this Code.
OWNER - A person, firm
or corporation which owns the fee of property or a lessor state therein,
a mortgage or vendee in possession, a receiver, an administrator, an executor,
a trustee, or any other person, firm or corporation in control of property.
of essential character of an improvement, object, building, natural feature
or structure as embodied in its existing form, integrity and material.
This term includes the retention of trees, landscaping and vegetative cover
of a site. This term may include temporary stabilization work as well as
ongoing maintenance of historic building materials.
or COMMISSION - The Historic Preservation Commission for the Village of
Williamsville established in this chapter.
PROPERTY - Land and improvements
of the exact form and detail of a vanished building, structure, improvement,
or part thereof as it appeared at a specific time.
or alteration that enables buildings, structures or improvements to be
efficiently utilized while preserving those features of buildings, structures
or improvements that are significant to their historic, architectural or
cultural values.
of the form and details of a building, structure or improvement and its
site during a particular time.
SITE - A plot or parcel
of land.
STRUCTURE - Anything
constructed or erected which requires permanent or temporary location on
the ground. This term shall include but not be limited to buildings, walls,
fences, signs, billboards, lighting fixtures, screen enclosures and works
of art.
VILLAGE - The Village
of Williamsville, County of Erie, State of New York.
Board of the Village of Williamsville, Erie County, New York.
of Williamsville Village Clerk.
§ 47-3. Historic Preservation
A. There is hereby created
a commission to be known as the
"Village of Williamsville
Historic Preservation Commission."
B. The Commission shall
consist of seven (7) members. Commission members shall serve a term of
four (4) years with the exception of the initial term, in which four (4)
members shall serve a term of four (4) years and three (3) members shall
serve a term of two (2) years.
C. Appointment of Commissioners
shall be made by the Village Board.
D. To the extent available,
the Commission should consist of the following:
(1) At least one (1)
shall be an architect.
(2) At least one (1)
shall be a historian.
(3) At least one (1)
shall be an individual from the business community.
(4) At least one (1)
shall be an archeologist.
(5) At least one (1)
member shall be from the Village of Williamsville Historical Society.
(6) All members shall
have demonstrated significant interest and commitment to the field of historic
E. The Chairperson and
the Vice Chairperson shall be elected by and from voting members of the
Commission. The term of office shall be two (2) years If the Chairperson
or Vice Chairperson cannot fulfill their term of office, a Chairperson
or Vice Chairperson shall be elected by and from the membership to fulfill
the remainder of the term until the next regular election.
F. If any commissioner
resigns or otherwise cannot fulfill their term of office, the Village Board
shall appoint an interim member to serve the remainder of the term.
G. The Chairperson shall
ensure that minutes of all Commission meetings are suitably recorded, prepared
and distributed.
H. The powers of the
Commission shall include:
(1) To recommend designation
of historic landmarks, sites and districts to the Village Board for their
(2) To advise and recommend
to the Village Board on matters of employment of staff and professional
consultants as necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission.
(3) To promulgate rules
and regulations as necessary for the conduct of its business.
(4) To adopt criteria
for the identification of significant historic architectural and cultural
landmarks and/or for the delineation of historic districts.
(5) To conduct surveys
of significant historic, architectural and cultural landmarks within the
(6) To make recommendations
to the Village Board on acceptance or donation of facade easements and
development rights; the acquisition of facade easements and development
rights or other interests in real property as necessary to carry out the
purposes of this act.
(7) To increase public
awareness of the value of historic, cultural and architectural preservation
by developing and participating in education programs.
(8) To make recommendations
to the Village Board concerning the utilization of state, federal or private
finds to promote the preservation of landmarks and historic districts within
the village.
(9) To recommend acquisition
of a landmark or structure by the village where its preservation is essential
to the purposes of this act and where private preservation is not feasible.
(10) To approve or disapprove
applications for certificates
of appropriateness, subject
to review by the Building Inspector pursuant to this act.
I. The Commission shall
meet at least monthly if any business is pending. Meetings may be held
at any time on the written request of any two (2) Commission members. The
Commission must meet at least once quarterly.
J. A quorum for the transaction
of business shall consist of a majority of the Commission members, but
not less than a majority of the full authorized membership may grant or
deny a certificate of appropriateness.
§ 47-4. Designation
of historical landmarks, historic sites and historic districts.
A. The Commission may recommend
designation of an individual property as a landmark, subject to Village
Board approval, if it:
(1) Is associated with
the lives of individuals or of people or of events significant in the national,
state or local history.
(2) Embodies the distinctive
characteristics of a type, a period or a method of construction.
(3) Represents the work
of a master architect or designer or possesses high artistic values.
(4) Represents a significant
or distinguished entity whose components may lack individual or special
(5) Because of a unique
location or singular physical characteristic, represents an established
and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood.
B. The Commission may
recommend designation of a property or a group of properties as a historic
site, subject to Village Board approval, if it contains significant historical
or cultural sites where buildings or structures no longer exist, such as
a battlefield, cemetery or former transportation facility; or sites which
may yield information important to area history or prehistory.
C. The Commission may
recommend designation of a group of properties as a historic district,
subject to Village Board approval, if it:
(1) Contains properties
which meet one (1) or more of the criteria for designation as a landmark;
(2) Is an area that represents
several periods or styles of architecture typical of different areas of
(3) Is an area that has
several buildings of the same architectural period or style and thus constitutes
unified architectural streetscape consistency or a significant community
uniformity of style; or
(4) Is an area connected
with significant events or cultural happenings or developments involving
ethnic, religious groups or other groups of special historical interest;
(5) By reason of possessing
such qualities, it constitutes a distinct section of the Village of Williamsville.
D. The boundaries of
each proposed historic district designated henceforth shall be specified
in detail and shall be filed in writing in the Village Clerk's office for
public inspection.
E. Notice of a proposed
designation shall be sent by the Village Clerk thirty (30) days prior to
a public hearing to the owner(s) of any property(ies) proposed for historic
designation. The notice shall describe the property proposed for designation,
summarize the proposed action and announce the date, time and location
of the public hearing. A copy of the notice of proposed designation shall
also be sent to the Village Board.
F. Once the Historic
Preservation Commission has issued notice of a proposed designation, no
building permits shall be issued by the Building Commissioner, except for
emergency repairs, until a final determination on the proposed designation
has been reached. The Historic Preservation Commission shall provide a
copy of any notice of proposed designation to the Building Commissioner.
G. Notice of proposed
designation shall also be sent to the Village of Williamsville Highway
Department, Village of Williamsville Planning Board, Town of Amherst Assessors
Department and any other village department and county or state agency
as appropriate. Each department/agency shall be given thirty (30) days
from the date of transmission to provide comments on the proposed designation
to the Historic Preservation Commission.
H. The Commission shall
hold a public hearing prior to recommending designation of any landmark,
historic site or historic district. The Commission, property owner and
any interested parties may present testimony or documentary evidence at
the hearing which will become part of a record regarding the historic,
architectural or cultural importance of the proposed landmark, or historic
district. The record may also contain staff reports, public comments or
other evidence offered outside of the hearing. A public hearing notice
must be published by the Village Clerk in the village's designated official
newspaper at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing date.
I. The Commission will
recommend to the Village Board the designation of a historic landmark,
site or district. The Village Board will also conduct a public hearing
prior to acting on the recommendation.
J. The Commission shall
file notice of each property designated as a landmark and of the boundaries
of each designated historic district with the Erie County Clerk's office,
the Village of Williamsville Clerk's office, the Village of Williamsville
Building Department and the Town of Amherst Assessors Department.
K. Minutes of any business
conducted by the Historic Preservation Commission shall be placed on file
in the Village of Williamsville Clerk's office.
§ 47-5. Certificates
of appropriateness.
No person shall carry out
any exterior alteration, restoration, reconstruction, excavation, grading,
demolition, new construction or moving of a designated landmark or property
within a historic district nor shall any person make any material change
to such property, its light fixtures, signs,sidewalks, fences, steps, paving
or other exterior elements which affect the appearance or cohesiveness
of the landmark or historic district without first obtaining a certificate
of appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Commission.
§ 47-6. Criteria for
approval of certificates of appropriateness.
A. In passing upon an application
for a certificate of appropriateness, the Historic Preservation Commission
shall not consider changes to the interior of buildings.
B. The Commission's decision
shall be based upon the following principles:
(1) Features which contribute
to the character of the historic landmark or district shall be retained
with as little alteration as possible.
(2) Any alteration of
existing features shall be compatible with its historic character as well
as with the surrounding property.
(3) New construction
shall be compatible with the property in which it is located and/or surrounding
historic district.
C. In applying the principle
of compatibility, the Commission shall consider the following factors:
(1) The general design,
character and appropriateness to the property of the proposed alteration
or new construction.
(2) The scale of proposed
alteration or new construction in relation to itself, surrounding properties
and the neighborhood.
(3) Texture, materials
and color and their relation to the property itself, surrounding properties
and the neighborhood.
(4) Visual compatibility
with surrounding properties, including proportion of the property's front
facade, proportion and arrangement of windows and other openings within
the facade, roof shape and the rhythm of spacing of properties on streets,
including setback.
(5) The importance of
historic, architectural or other features to the significance of the property.
§ 47-7. Application
for certificate of appropriateness.
A. Prior to the commencement
of any work requiring a certificate of appropriateness the owner shall
file an application for such certificate with the Historic Preservation
Commission. The application shall contain:
(1) Names, address and
telephone number of the applicant.
(2) Location and photographs
of the property.
(3) Elevation drawings
of proposed changes, if available.
(4) Perspective drawings,
including relationship to adjacent properties, if available.
(5) Samples of color
and/or materials to be used.
(6) Where the proposal
includes signs or lettering, a scale drawing showing the type(s) of lettering
to he used, all dimensions and colors, a description of materials to he
used, method of illumination and a plan showing the sign's proposed location
on the property.
(7) Any other information
which the Commission may deem necessary in order to visualize the proposed
B. No building permit
shall be issued for such proposed work until a certificate of appropriateness
has first been issued by the Historic Preservation Commission. The Commission
shall act to approve or deny a certificate of appropriateness within sixty-five
(65) days of the date upon which a completed application is filed with
the Historic Preservation Commission. If the application is not acted upon
within sixty-five (65) days, the application shall be deemed approved.
The applicant may request an extension of the decision deadline date if
so desired. The certificate of appropriateness required by this act shall
be in addition to and not in lieu of any building permit that may be required
by any other ordinance of the Village of Williamsville.
§ 47-8. Hardship
A. An applicant whose
certificate of appropriateness for a proposed demolition has been denied
may apply for relief on the ground of hardship. In order to prove the existence
of hardship, the applicant shall establish that:
(1) The property is incapable
of earning a reasonable return regardless of whether that return represents
the most profitable return possible.
(2) The property cannot
be adapted for any other use permitted by the Village of Williamsville
Zoning Ordinance [Editor's Note: See Chapter 112, Zoning] which would result
in a reasonable return.
(3) Efforts to find a
purchaser interested in acquiring the property and preserving it have failed.
B. An applicant whose
certificate of appropriateness for a proposed alteration has been denied
may apply for relief on the grounds of hardship. In order to prove the
existence of hardship, the applicant shall establish that
(1) The property is incapable
of earning a reasonable return regardless of whether that return represents
the most profitable return possible.
§ 47-9. Hardship application
A. After receiving written
notification from the Commission of the denial of a certificate of appropriateness,
an applicant may commence the hardship application process.
B. The Commission shall
hold a public hearing on the hardship application, at which time an opportunity
will be provided for proponents and opponents of the application to present
their views.
C. The applicant shall
consult in good faith with the Commission, local preservation groups and
interested parties in a diligent effort to seek an alternative that will
result in preservation of the property.
D. All decisions of the
Commission shall be in writing. A copy shall be sent to the applicant by
registered mail and a copy shall be filed with both the Village Clerk's
Office and with the Building Department. The Commission's decision shall
state the reasons for granting or denying the hardship application.
E. No building permit
or demolition permit shall be issued while the hardship application is
pending. The Commission shall make a determination on whether a hardship
exists. Building and demolition permits shall be issued in accordance with
that determination.
§ 47-10. Maintenance
and repair required.
A. Nothing in this chapter
shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any
architectural feature of a landmark or property within a historic district
which does not involve a change in design material, color or outward appearance.
B. No owner or person
with an interest in real property. designated as a landmark or included
within a historical district shall permit the property to fall into a serious
state of disrepair so as to result in the deterioration any architectural
feature which would, in the judgment of the Historic Preservation Commission,
produce detrimental effect upon the character of the historical district
as a whole or the life and character of the property itself. Examples of
such deterioration include:
(1) Deterioration of
exterior walls or other vertical supports.
(2) Deterioration of
roof or other horizontal members.
(3) Deterioration of
exterior chimneys.
(4) Deterioration or
crumbling of exterior stucco mortar.
(5) Ineffective waterproofing
of exterior walls, roofs foundations, including broken windows or doors.
(6) Deterioration of
any feature so as to create hazardous condition which could lead to the
claim that demolition is necessary for public safety.
47-11. Administration and
A. Administration. The Building
Inspector shall administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter.
In connection with overseeing this responsibility, the Building Inspector
shall provide a permit procedure coordinated with the established building
permit procedure.
B. Enforcement. All work
performed pursuant to this chapter shall conform to any requirements included
herein. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to inspect periodically
any such work to assure compliance. In the event that work is found that
is not being performed in accordance with the certificate of appropriateness,
the Building Inspector shall issue a stop-work order and all work shall
immediately cease. No further work shall be undertaken on the project as
long as the stop-work order is in effect.
C. The certificate of
appropriateness shall be displayed on the building in a location conspicuously
visible to the public while work pursuant to the certificate is being done.
§ 47-12. Penalties
for offenses.
A. Any person who violates
any provision of this chapter or any regulation adopted hereunder is guilty
of an offense punishable by a fine not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars
($250) or imprisonment for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days, or
both. Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate violation.
B. Failure to comply
with any of the provisions of this chapter shall result in the termination
of any permits issued or any proceedings commenced under provisions of
this chapter.
C. Any person(s) who
demolishes, alters, constructs or permits a landmark to fall into a serious
state of disrepair which results in a violation of this chapter shall be
required to restore the property and its site to an appearance acceptable
to the Historic Preservation Commission. Any action to enforce this subsection
shall be brought by the Village Attorney upon authorization by the Village
Board. This civil remedy shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any
criminal prosecution and penalty.
§ 47-13. Appeals.
Any person aggrieved by
a decision of the Historic Preservation Commission relating to designation,
hardship or a certificate of appropriateness may, within thirty (30) days
of the filing of the decision in the Village Clerk's office, file a written
application with the Village Board for review of the decision. The Village
Board shall schedule a public hearing on the matter without unnecessary
delay. The appeal of the Commission's decision may be based only upon the
record and criteria utilized by the Commission to render its decision.
If new information becomes available subsequent to the Commission's decision,
a new application must be submitted to the Commission. The Village Board's
decision on the appeal shall be considered final.
§ 47-14. Conflict with
other provisions.
Where this chapter imposes
greater restrictions than are imposed by the provisions of any law, ordinance
or regulation, the provisions of this chapter shall apply. Where greater
restrictions are imposed by any law, ordinance or regulation such greater
restrictions shall apply.
§ 47-15. Compliance
with provIsions required
No decision to carry out
or approve an action subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be
rendered by any department, board, commission, officer or employee of the
village. This shall not prohibit environmental, engineering, economic feasibility
or other studies, preliminary planning or budgetary processes nor the granting
of an application relating only to technical specifications and requirements,
but not authorizing commencement of action until fall compliance with this
chapter has been met.
§ 47-18. Jurisdiction.
This chapter shall apply
to the entire corporate limits of the Village of Williamsville.
§ 47-17. Severability.
If any section, clause or
provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any persons is
adjudged invalid, the adjunction shall not effect other sections, clauses
or provisions or the application thereof which can be sustained or given
effect without the invalid section, clause or provision or application,
and to this end the various sections, clauses or provisions of this chapter
are declared to be severable.
§ 47-18. When effective.
This chapter shall take
effect immediately.
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A picture of 5583 Main St Village Hall pictured in 1949 was originally built with limestone mined from the Young's limestone quarry which occupied what is now The Country Club of Buffalo. click here to see a bigger picture.
A picture of Main St looking West taken in 1950. The Ronecker building on the right is now home to Marty's formal wear. Picture courtesy of Dan Crapsi. click here to see a bigger picture.
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