56 Spring St A view of the Water Mill taken in 1917, in the background, you can see the Baptist Church tower.click here to see a bigger picture
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56 Spring St The Williamsville Water Mill as pictured in 1866. The middle section is the original saw mill of Jonas Williams erected in 1811.click here to see a bigger picture
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56 Spring St The Williamsville Water Mill as pictured around 1925.click here to see a bigger picture
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56 Spring St This current picture of the Williamsville Water Mill was taken around 1998.click here to see a bigger picture
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56 Spring St The back side of the water mill looking South taken around 1900.click here to see a bigger picture
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56 Spring St The back side of the water mill looking North taken around 1900.click here to see a bigger picture
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Dodge Mill The front side of the Dodge mill taken from what is now Mill St.click here to see a bigger picture
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Dodge Mill The original Grist Mill was converted to roller mill in 1864 by the Dodge family, where they turned out 3,000 barrels of flour in 1884. The creek side of the Dodge mill taken in 1880, this photo was taken prior to mill burning in 1894.click here to see a bigger picture
Dodge Mill The creek side of the Dodge mill taken in 1894 after it burned. Jonathon Dodge lost his life while trying to battle the fire with a hose that was connected to a 200 gallon tank that was atop the mill. If you compare it to the picture above, you can see the raceway which survived the fire.click here to see a bigger picture
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Glen Falls 1907 Another view of the dodge mill site taken in 1907.click here to see a bigger picture
Old Bedstead Factory The Old Bedstead Factory was originally the Carding Works owned by Benjamin Miller. The Building stood on the SE side of Bridge St now known as Glen Ave. The piling seen in the water used to support the water raceway.click here to see a bigger picture
Long Mill The Long Mill was located at the corner of Reist and N Union Rd .click here to see a bigger picture
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Reist Mill The Remaining building of the Reist Mill is still standing at the curve on Reist St. The mill was powered by water accumulated just above the old forge dam pictured below .click here to see a bigger picture
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Old Forge Dam Old Forge Dam picture in 1854 was a man made dam which formed a pond and raceway for the Reist Mill pictured above .click here to see a bigger picture